Monday, May 18, 2009

Jade and Boris

Hi. This is Jade and Boris.

I was excited because we had Boris and it was fun. Boris rode my bike. Boris jumped on Georgia's trampoline.

Boris had fun at our place.

He was sneaky because in the morning he said BOO!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ariah's time with Boris the Bear.

Ariah had fun with Boris. She played on the swing set with him and read lots of books too.
While Boris was staying at our house, Share Bear from Kindy came to stay.
Boris also helped Ariah sell her chocolates.
Ariah enjoyed having Boris to stay.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun with Finn

Boris is having a nice time having his food. He likes vegetables soup and buttered toast.

Boris and I have played with my trains.

By Finn